Blossoming Hearts Love Potion #1


Blossoming Hearts Love Potion #1

Love Potion # 1 is lovingly crafted with exotic and sacred plant ingredients, all with sensual
aphrodisiac potencies, and includes two primary healers for our hearts: the nourishing and
nurturing Sacred Mothers and allies that have been with us since time immemorial

It is formulated to nourish self-love and nurture romance. For
lovers, it facilitates relaxation and heart-openness and in preparation for and nourishment of
intimacy, foreplay and juiciness. Should be taking before bed or intimacy, or whenever
relaxation or a deeper heart connection is desired.
For self-love, it helps with relaxation and processing of grief and trauma, and facilitates
cultivating deeper connection with self and loved ones.

Blossoming Hearts Love Potion #1 may be beneficial for the following:

  • Improving empathy and compassion
  • anxiety and depression
  • anger
  • sadness and grief states
  • insomnia
  • facilitates sexual arousal
  • anorgasmia
  • PMS

  • 5 to 10 drops before bed or intimacy, or whenever relaxation or a deeper heart connection is desired.
  • Can also be taken three times per day
  • The dosage may be increased at your discretion

Flavour Notes: 

Spicy Sweet Flowers


  • May cause drowsiness in high doses
  • Contains honey, so diabetics should be mindful of this
  • Not to be used by pregnant and lactating women
  • Best not to have if consuming large amounts of alcohol


  • Saffron

  • Organic Cardamom pods

  • Wild-crafted Damiana

  • Organic Goji berries

  • Vanilla pods

  • Raw fynbos honey

  • Colloidal gold

  • Aventurine and rose quartz gem essences

  • Bach Rescue Remedy and Camissa spring water

    Tinctured using vodka. Created using a dual-extraction process of extracting first in alcohol, then in water. Then combining the two.

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More amazing information:

Blossoming Hearts was seeded and conceived in March 2021. Its creation was a response to, and
was inspired by, synchronicities of the recent breakup of a six and-a-half year romance; my
introduction to Plant Spirit Medicine through Steven Harrod Buhner, Pam Montgomery and
Robin Wall Kimmerer; and the madness and confusion of the ‘pandemic’ and lockdowns. In
2023 I made an awesome discovery in the writings of the Persian physician Ibn Sina (980 – 1037
CE) (known as Avicenna in the west)! Ibn Sina is regarded as one of the most influential and
significant physicians, astronomers, philosophers and writers of the Islamic Golden Age. He is
the father of early modern medicine, and had a major influence of the development of GrecoArabian Unani-Tibb medicine. He identified a category of herbs which he called exhilirants,
including red rose, saffron, lemon balm, tulsi and schizandra. These are plants that help to
revitalize and inspire joy in our hearts when we are experiencing heartbreak, grief and sadness.
Ibn Sina said that the soul is intrinsically attracted towards fragrant and sweet substances.

I was in a state of deep grief and deep love, and was experiencing a reinvigoration of my passion
for herbs and plants ‘’those that take care of us’’, through connecting to other herbalists and
Plant Spirit Healing teachers. I realized that having an empathically open, soft and courageously
loving heart is the medicine for our times. All of life is about relationship. And creating
relationships with each other, Mama Gaia, Mother-Father God, and all of life, that are healthy
and whole, is one of the essential meanings of our existence.

Interconnectedness is the essential
intrinsic nature of life. Yet, we experience so much loneliness, isolation and sadness from feeling
emotions of lack of connection and other emotions like anger and grief that can be extremely
challenging to process and integrate.

Having such Heart is, in a sense, no easy task as we each
carry our own traumas and ‘’inner jackals” (coined by Marshall Rosenberg developer of Non Violent Communication) as part of our conditioning.
Blossoming Hearts is an aid to this heart-healing and -opening process. It should be used in
conjunction with other relationship healing practices like Non-Violent Communication,
HeartMath, Emotional Freedom Technique, Trauma Release Exercises, Tantric or intimacy building activities, Yoga, conscious dance, meditation, Shadow Work, singing mantra and
medicine songs, relationship counselling, an active desire to cultivate romance, sensuality, love
and intimacy, and so on.

By living in the Garden of the Heart, we connect to and immerse in a river wisdom, flow and
Divine Grace, where we are guided by synchronicity and serendipity and the Song of Life.
Inspired by flowers and plants, in service to Love and you, I offer you Blossoming Hearts, from
the deepest sincerity of my heart.

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